Track and trace more effectively using SATO NX Series intelligent printers

16/06/17Track and trace more effectively using SATO NX Series intelligent printers

SATO (TSE:6287), a leading global provider of Auto-ID solutions that empower workforces and streamline operations, has developed the NX Series of intelligent printers to improve efficiency and accuracy in track and trace applications.

Traceability is a key requirement for industries ranging from packaging and logistics to safety-critical applications like food processing and pharmaceuticals. For example, it plays a significant role in encouraging consumer confidence in the food chain, enabling us to trace ingredients through all stages of production, processing and distribution, as well as to recall faulty products. Traceability is also the basis for pharmaceutical compliance with the forthcoming Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD), which aims to reduce the human and economic impacts of fake drugs by improving serialisation of legitimate medicines. Under this EU legislation, all new packs of prescription medicines placed on the market in Europe from February 2019 onwards will have to bear two safety features: a unique identifier (UI) in the form of a 2D data matrix (barcode) and an anti-tamper device (ATD).

While the benefits of traceability are clear, implementing systems to collate, check and apply relevant data can be time-consuming and costly. The NX Series, equipped with SATO’s unique Application-Enabled Printer (AEP) technology, offers a real problem-solving platform with great benefits in terms of ease-of-use, efficiency and cost-reduction.

AEP functionality puts intelligence inside the printer, enabling it to collate, check and apply data without support from a computer. Customers can therefore reduce both up-front investment and ongoing running costs for their track and trace operations. AEP also enables tailor-made applications to be developed and run to meet specific printing requirements.

The NX Series combines intelligence with emulations, connectivity and speed of data processing to optimize the printing process. Equipped with an Auto Detect function that allows users to plug and play, it is simple to upgrade to the NX Series from SATO legacy models or another brand of printer.

This superior functionality enables the use of common peripherals such as numeric keypads, USB keyboards and scanners for data input. Users can also print labels by querying printer-stored or external databases automatically.Onboard user accessible memory allows for storage of formats, large graphics, custom fonts and other downloads, allowing for faster throughput. With the ability to switch easily between 47 print languages and a user interface that is simple and intuitive, the NX Series is capable of supporting traceability operations around the globe.


About SATO

SATO (TOKYO:6287) bridges the last inch of the last mile for customers by integrating Auto-ID technologies and revolutionary materials to tag and track items, ensuring inventory visibility for improved user experience and business results. Engineering solutions that unleash the power of IoT, it provides value to customers in the form of accuracy, sustainability, labour and resource savings, reassurance and emotional connections. For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, it reported revenues of JPY 106,302 million (Euro 900 million*). More information about SATO can be found at or on linkedin and twitter. 

*Conversion is based on an average exchange rate of 1 Euro = 118.74 Japanese Yen.

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