Tailored Solutions
SATO intimately understands the often complex needs of the busy restaurant environment - whether an independent, stand alone owner operated facility or a multi-site chain. As such, SATO develops bespoke label printing solutions designed to solve the specific needs of each unique scenario.
Intelligent printing

For large franchises, mass catering situations and medium sized restaurant chains, the need for intelligent networked printing solutions that are completely adapted to the busy restaurant environment are key to driving efficiency, consistency and regulatory compliance.
Requiring no host computers or screens in kitchens, SATO intelligent print solutions are completely stand alone, extremely compact and lightweight; ideal for the often cramped kitchen situation.
With the mural kit accessory, SATO printers can be attached to the wall, avoiding use of food preparation space and utilising AEP intelligence on board, the entire print function can be completely customised to each unique restaurant or kitchen process.
A typical example in franchise restaurants, printers are provided to each restaurant and connected to a central database. Updates are then driven automatically from headquarters, when modifications to recipes, instructions or menus are required, providing real time management of regulatory compliance, consistency of offer and brand management.
For the self-service restaurant business, the food range can require adjustment throughout the day or season; regular updates of label designs are therefore required. The SATO intelligent printing solution offers complete flexibility and the capability for employees to update products at the shelf by simply entering the change or new product into a database that's ready to be printed real time on demand on the restaurant floor.
To receive technical support on label printing customised for the restaurant environment or to find out more about SATO solutions, please contact us
See SATO Solutions
Hand labelling solutions

For the independent restaurant, SATO provides a wide range of hand labelling solutions that are a quick, efficient and low cost solution to effective labelling both back and front of house.
With hundreds of label formats specifically designed for customers in the restaurant business, SATO provides a number of different hand labeller ranges.
Enhanced versatility and with great value for money, with added applications for food safety labelling to assist in meeting food regulatory compliance needs, SATO provides Judo Food hand labellers with clear and concise labelling, eliminating human errors and reducing food waste.

See SATO Solutions

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